Tuesday, October 22, 2024

New Patron Information

Welcome to the Cimarron City Library!
Here are some things you might like to know about using your library:

New Patron Flyer

Library Cards
To obtain a Cimarron City Library card, new patrons must have photographic identification, a piece of mail with their current mailing address, and completed application form. There is a 24 hour “wait” period before the new patron can check out material. New patrons are on limited status for the first two months and can only check out two items at a time and can not receive interlibrary loan service until the probationary period is over. Non-Gray County residents, or those that do not qualify for a free library card may obtain cards for an annual fee of $25.00.

For Parents
All parents are responsible for any materials checked out by minor children.

Borrowing Privileges
Most books can be checked out for 14 days and can be renewed over the phone for another 14 days, if there are not holds and the item is not new.. Audio tapes and magazines are also checked out for 14 days, if there are not holds and the item is not new. DVD’s are checked out for 14 days, NEW DVD’s can be checked out for 3 days and can be renewed over the phone if there are not holds and the item is not new.

Returning Materials
All items may be returned in the outside book drop or placed on the check in desk in the library. Audiobooks and DVD’s CANNOT be returned in the book drop. There will be a $1 fine placed on the patrons account for each item.

For the most popular books the library has a reserve list; the patron must request that his or her name be put on the list and will be called when the book is available.

Interlibrary Loan 
Patrons can check out a book or get copies of magazine articles not available in the Cimarron Library by using Interlibrary Loan Service. If the material is located, it will be sent to Cimarron and can be checked out for a designated time.

Overdue, Lost, Damaged Materials 
A book that is 2 weeks over due will have a phone call made to the patron who has the book. When the book is 4 weeks overdue a letter will be sent regarding the past due book. When the book is 6 weeks over due a bill covering the cost of the book will be sent to the patron with the past due book. If the material is of value to the collection (as determined by the librarian), the patron will be sent a registered letter at 2 months after the due date, informing him/her of the law regarding overdue materials and our intention to pursue repossession. The material (or payment for its replacement) must be received within 5 working days or we will pursue further legal action. If a response is not received in 5 working days the matter will be turned over to the Gray County Sheriff’s Department. Patrons will no longer have library privileges until the book is returned or paid for.

Lost or damaged materials must be replaced at the value of the item.

Phone calls or texts will be made for overdues and holds.