Monday, February 24, 2025

What’s for Dinner?

Cimarron Shurfine Foods

Below are online recipe tools and apps that let you search by ingredients that are readily available in your home, or purchased at Cimarron Shurfine Foods with their weekly ad. The 📱 icon means that the service is also available as an app in addition to website form.

Allrecipes 📱: Allrecipes is available on multiple devices, including tablet and smartphone. In addition to searching by ingredient, Allrecipes also allows you to exclude ingredients. For example, if you don’t have chicken, the app won’t show any recipes that contain chicken, even if you have all of the other necessary ingredients for a certain dish. You can also just search within a particular dish category, rather than searching ALL recipes.

BigOven 📱: The BigOven recipe database is huge with 500,000+ recipes. The “Use Up Leftovers” tool lets you enter up to three ingredients for recipe suggestions. From there, you can narrow down the recipes by type and sort by rating.

Cookin’ With Google : This is a customized search engine that is just like the main Google search engine, but this one only searches popular recipe-related sites. Type in your ingredients by putting 2-word ingredients in quotes and including a space between items (not a comma). Results may appear in a “list of recipes” format instead of an individual recipe. You can fine-tune your results by choosing one of the following: vegan, world, Atkins, seafood, diabetic, crockpot, weight watchers, gluten-free, low-fat, or vegetarian.

Cookpad 📱: Cookpad is part recipe finder, part social platform. You can search for recipes by ingredients and share what you’re making. You can share recipes you invented, and if people like what you’re posting, they can follow you. You can also follow people who make recipes that match your preferences, and even ask them questions. There is a chat area for conversations, and you can also search conversations to see what others are talking about, and join in.

Epicurious 📱: Beautiful and easy to use both in website and app versions. You can filter the list of results by a variety of categories, including dish type, dietary concerns, and cooking technique. You can then sort your list by the highest rated recipes, the percentage of users who would make it again, and other criteria. The app version also includes a kitchen timer to help you cook ingredients to perfection even without a recipe, and a tool that finds local, seasonal ingredients.

My Fridge Food : For the most inclusive list of ingredients, click “show all ingredients” first (instead of using the “quick ingredients list”, which is the default). Then, use CTL+F to search for your ingredients, one by one, and put a check mark next to each one. After clicking on “get recipes”, you can further filter down by type of diet, number of calories, or category. You can immediately see — before clicking on a recipe — which ingredients you’re missing in order to complete each recipe.

SuperCook 📱: SuperCook allows you to start by selecting ingredients you already have on hand from several categories (dairy, seasoning, soup and more). When you add available ingredients, SuperCook suggests recipes, updating results for each new item you include. It also shows which extra few items are required to match up with their original recipe. From there, you can narrow down your results by selecting the type of meal you want to make, type of cuisine and the star ingredient. If you want to save your ingredients and favorite recipes, you can make a profile.

Tasty 📱: Tasty became popular for its overhead food videos with instructions for each step as you prepare a dish. After searching by ingredients, you can add filters such as “dinner,” “brunch,” and any dietary restrictions. You can also search by occasion. For the easiest meals, search for “5 ingredients or less” and “under 30 minutes.”

Once you make your selection, the recipe video plays, displaying ingredient measures and other instructions right on the screen, in sync with the video. For efficiency, the videos play at a faster speed, but you can pause and unpause the videos as you go.
