Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Key Dates & Timelines


March 12 – 20
Households will begin receiving an official Census Bureau letter with their GEOCODE attached. The letter will have detailed information how to respond to the Census online (the preferred method), by phone or by mail with the original mailed application. No additional paper applications will be available through the website.

Save Time and Self-Respond Online!

March 30 – April 1
If someone has not responded, a follow up reminder will be sent to them during this time period. They can still self-respond online, by phone or by mail.

April 1
Census Day! By this date, every home in the United States will have received a letter with a GEOCODE and invitation to participate in the 2020 Census.

Census takers will begin visiting group living situations such as students who live on campus, people living in senior centers and others who live among large
groups of people.

Census takers will go door to door to visit homes that have not responded to the 2020 Census.

Save Time and Self-Respond Online!