Book a Librarian
Speak with a professional librarian for one-on-one consultation. Please call (620) 855-3808 during business hours to schedule an appointment. Consultations typically last 30 to 45 minutes.
We can help with many kinds of research. Typical requests include:
- Research a topic.
- Research genealogy and local history.
- Learn to download ebooks to your digital device.
- Get more from the Library’s catalog or databases.
- Finding a good read, for you, your children, or your bookgroup.
- Take a tour of the library and learn about the materials and resources we provide – Groups welcomed!
- Job assistance: We offer help with job searching, resume and cover letter writing, and filling out job applications.
Some things we are unable to help with:
- We do not provide medical, legal or business advice or opinions.
- We cannot type or proofread your documents.
- We do not offer technical support or troubleshooting except when it relates to library resources.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is eligible to make an appointment?
This service is available to all individuals, organizations and businesses.
Where do I go?
Please come to the circulation desk for your scheduled consultation.
Who will be helping me?
Your information needs will determine who is best suited to assist you.
How long will the appointment be?
Each appointment will last approximately 30-45 minutes.
I need to cancel my appointment.
Please call (620) 855-3808 as soon as you can to cancel an appointment.